Caretaker Prime Minister
Caretaker Prime Minister

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar: Education is necessary to make life meaningful, there is complete freedom of expression in Pakistan, minorities have equal rights.

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar emphasized the significance of education.

for a meaningful life and a bright future. He asserted that there is complete freedom of expression in Pakistan, but governance needs improvement. The principle of equality for all Pakistanis, regardless of minority status, was highlighted, and the implementation of a merit system was deemed crucial for progress.

The Caretaker Prime Minister conveyed these views during a special discussion and Q&A session with Aga Khan University students on Friday. In his opening remarks, he expressed his enduring affinity for education and educational institutions, emphasizing its essential role in life.

Responding to a student from Gilgit-Baltistan, the Prime Minister affirmed the region’s geopolitical importance within Pakistan. He emphasized Gilgit-Baltistan’s integral status and discussed the need to consider its position in Kashmir, as per United Nations resolutions. The Prime Minister underscored Pakistan’s efforts to grant rights to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, envisioning it as the Singapore of Pakistan due to its resource-rich nature.

Regarding freedom of expression, he assured that every citizen in Pakistan has the right to express opinions. While acknowledging the country’s political history, the Prime Minister urged a positive and constructive expression of opinions. He noted ongoing open discussions with students, dispelling any misconception about the lack of freedom of expression.

Addressing changes post the 18th amendment, the Prime Minister explained that health responsibilities now lie with the provinces, emphasizing the need for increased facilities to accommodate the growing population. He reiterated the equal citizenship of all Pakistanis, emphasizing the importance of dissociating professions from religious affiliations and stressed the implementation of a merit system.

Discussing misplaced priorities in the past, the Prime Minister encouraged dialogue on real issues, especially in higher education and research. He urged the youth to advocate for these issues and allocate more funds accordingly.

In response to a question about migration, the Prime Minister reassured that population movement is a natural process. He encouraged a positive perspective on professionals going abroad, highlighting their contribution to the global supply chain and the growth of Pakistan’s GDP while staying connected with their homeland.

Read more about “Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar -ul -Haq Kakar visits Abu Dhabi.”