The Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS), a group from the Netherlands known for predicting earthquakes, a big earthquake in Pakistan is predicted.
They say this earthquake might happen in the next 48 hours. SSGEOS studies changes in electric charges in the air near the sea, and they think this can show where strong earthquakes might happen, usually within 1 to 9 days.
They say that their predictions are not exact, but they can give us useful information about places where earthquake in Pakistan might occur.
Recently, a scientist from the Netherlands who works with SSGEOS noticed a big increase in electric activity along the Chaman fault lines in Pakistan.
Earthquake in Pakistan Predictions
It’s important to know that this scientist from the Netherlands has been good at predicting earthquakes before. For example, they predicted a big earthquake in Turkey earlier this year, which was very tragic and caused a lot of people to lose their lives.
In the past, the PMD (Pakistan Meteorological Department) has not taken such predictions of earthquake in Pakistan seriously. They say there isn’t enough scientific proof to predict earthquakes.
Pakistan is in an area where earthquakes happen a lot because the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate meet. This makes the country vulnerable to earthquakes, and it has had many big ones in the past. So, people are always worried about earthquakes.
Experts who study earthquakes worldwide say it’s really hard to predict them accurately. While we can guess where earthquakes might happen because some areas have a lot of seismic activity, it’s tough to say exactly when and where they will occur.
That’s why experts say we should be careful when we hear about earthquake predictions, even if they come from well-meaning scientists.
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